Exigence (the word was made up by a rhetorician named Lloyd Bitzer in 1968) comes from the Latin for “demand.” It basically has to do with what the situation requires. An exigence is something that can be fixed through rhetoric. When the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded in 1986, the tragedy wasn’t a rhetorical exigence.


Ethos, pathos, logos, kairos Rhetorical strategies for effective arguments in the various rhetorical features of a text (context, exigence, rhetorical situation, 

Purpose / Message. TEXT. Mode of discourse. Evidence. Logic. Language.

Exigence rhetoric

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There’s a sense of urgency that comes when we experience exigence. Tiger Woods' speech is an example of a rhetorical situation. There are many exigences and constraints that can be discussed when examining the speech, and we'll talk at some of them. The main exigences in the speech is the discussion of the affairs. Grant-Davie titles his section on exigence “The Matter and Motivation of the Discourse”. That right there gives a quick meaning of exigence- the matter and motivation of the text. The actual definition he uses is “the rhetor’s sense that a situation both call for discourse and might be resolved by discourse” (351).

Exigence, Genre, Rhetoric, and Rhetorical Situations Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. 2016-07-02 · Bitzer, Lloyd F. “The Rhetorical Situation.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 1.1 (Jan. 1968): 1-14.

Being a genre in its own, the particulars of the presidential war rhetoric are of illocutionary speech acts performed in each exigence or rhetorical move and 

The exigence and rhetorical situation come at an interesting time in American politics. Though the most recent election has ended, the country is still polarized to a significant extent. A notable event happened with Twitter banning the account of at-the-time President Trump.

Exigence is a rhetorical concept that can help writers and readers think about why texts exist. You can use the concept to analyze what others’ texts are responding to and to more effectively identify the reasons why you might produce your own.

The actual definition he uses is “the rhetor’s sense that a situation both call for discourse and might be resolved by discourse” (351). The exigence and rhetorical situation come at an interesting time in American politics. Though the most recent election has ended, the country is still polarized to a significant extent. A notable event happened with Twitter banning the account of at-the-time President Trump. "Exigence" is a term that has recently become common in discussions of rhetoric and composition. It appears in the influential book Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing by Kathleen Yancey, Liane Robertson, and Kara Taczak as a term for transfer. In rhetoric, exigence is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak.

Exigence rhetoric

The rhetorical situation is one of the most fundamental and useful concepts we offer our students in ENGL 015 or ENGL 202. The term was first used by Lloyd Bitzer (1968) in “The Rhetorical Situation,” to refer to all the features of audience, purpose, and exigence that serve to create a moment suitable for a rhetorical response. "A rhetorical situation is the context a rhetor enters in order to shape an effective message that can resolve an exigence and reach an intended audience. A rhetorical situation creates a call for change (an exigence), but that change can be brought about only through the use of language, whether visual, written, or spoken text.
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Exigence rhetoric

Philosophy & Rhetoric, Vol. 5, No. 2.

What makes this method so useful is that it can apply to any type of text—written, visual, aural, or other.
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Exigence rhetoric

into one more rhetorical. Of equal and continuing logue" tint compte des exigences musicales dans la rédaction de ses livrets. (Traduction: Edith Weber). 134 

2020-02-08 · In rhetoric, exigence is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. The term exigence comes from the Latin word for 'demand.' It was popularized in rhetorical studies by Lloyd Bitzer in 'The Rhetorical Situation' ('Philosophy and Rhetoric,' 1968).

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A late addition to the series on rhetoric, discussing exigence! Our mentor text for this series was, and remains, James Baldwin's letter to his nephew: https

Exigence is the circumstance or condition that invites a response; or, in other words, rhetorical discourse is usually responding to some kind of problem. Exigence, Genre, Rhetoric, and Rhetorical Situations. Terms in this set (20) Exigence. the occasion or need. Argument. a main point you are supporting with evidence.